Momokai University

How to set up macros

Macros are powerful tools to help you speed up your workflow and get to commonly used items faster. Macros can be easily configured through VIA, our recommended configuration tool for the Tap Trio.

Basic functions (Copy/Paste, Open My PC/Calculator etc.)

Basic functions like copy and paste can be located under the SPECIAL subsection in VIA. These functions can be mapped to any keys on your device.

Some useful functions we like mapped are:

Open Calculator

Open My PC



Complex Macros

Custom macros are recorded and configured in VIA. 15 custom macros can be stored on the Tap Trio for quick access.

Complex macros are a great way to speed up certain useful repeated actions. You can use complex macros to automate actions in any application or games. Delays can also be added for more customization.

In this example, we will set up a complex macro to type our a word by recording the keypresses.

  1. In VIA, click the MACROS icon on the left and select any of the 15 available macro slots (M0-M15).
  2. VIA must be in fullscreen mode to record a keypress. Click on fullscreen to fullscreen the VIA application.
  3. Type the word "hello" and it will record the sequence and click stop to end the recording process.
  4. Once you are satisfied, click save and assign the macro number to any of the keys on the device.

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